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We are having a Holiday Food & Hat Show in downtown Brooklyn on Sunday, December 19th 3-8pm.

Flavor Palette will be creating white & silver holiday treats, accompanied by Rfive Design hats and headpieces.

Please let us know if you would like to join us. We will send you more information.




Rfive Design, Fall 2010


Rfive Design will be a part of DUMBO Art Festival
We’ll be showing our work ( a few prints & fabric installations) at Cha Cha’s House of Ill Repute.

his Saturday, 9/25/2010, 3-6 pm

Cha Cha will be having a party “Crabby Hour” with cocktails, sample sale and live music from 3-6 pm, in her hat shop.

Cha Cha’s House of Ill Repute
147 Front Street Suite 312

(or 68 Jay Street & take elevator, 2 entrances)

F Train to York Street

The summer is here and so are the Rfive summer hats for 2010.


ロイのひらが な学習、その後です。最近は”れ”がお気に入りのようです。無駄に美しい練習帳がリビングルームに放り出してあるので勝手に記録しておきます。相変わらずカタカナに進んだ形跡はないようです。

Last month, we went to check out Guatemala Rainbow (colorful handcrafted textiles) in Antigua, and other small towns around Lake Atitlan. The highlight of the trip was to try their traditional back strap weaving.
We had a wonderful 2 day class at the textile school Indigo Artes, and learned a lot about the weaving experience. It is very difficult work and something that I hope that people will learn about and enjoy if they take the opportunity to visit. After the class, I felt that there was no way I could bargain down for a better price for textiles in Guatemala!

….And our picture was used on their monthly brochure.

Black hats w/free style stitch drawing. Thank you V&D!


Etching Brooklyn by Roy Reid, is available at It’s like having a little train window in your living room.

So-en Magazine 12, originally uploaded by Los Dragónnes.

Rfive Design is featured in an article in the December issue of the fashion magazine SO-EN(装苑)which comes from Japan. The article is in Japanese, online and in print, and you can see it here. Many thanks to the writer Ms. Soma.

And finally, our website has been renovated. Please take a look

装苑12月号にRfive Designの記事を載せて頂きました。機会があれば御覧下さいませ〜。

Rfive Design

Flavor Palette

