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Counter Space: Design and the Modern Kitchen

September 15, 2010–May 2, 2011

The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019

I’m sure a lot of people agree that old fashioned or new and high-tech, kitchen tools are fun to look at and use.  I constantly have a long list of kitchen tools to adopt next. This week, I’m in love with this orange-colored slicer I bought a year ago, Swissmar V-7000 Borner VPower V-Slicer Mandoline. To be honest, I was a bit scared of using “shredding” blade before, but shredding vegetable is addictive! I’m experimenting some new shapes & flavors with it, and it’s been pretty exciting.

My favorite tool at the kitchen exhibition at MoMA was this rolling cookie cutter from 50’s. Now I am in search of this type of cutters, even i don’t make that many cookies. If you’ve seen something similar, let me know.


ニューヨーク近代美術館 (MoMA) で開催されている”Counter Space: Design and the Modern Kitchen”という展示はキッチンの進化やその周りの文化、道具、関連のあるアートなどを詰め込んだ企画です。隣にあるカフェテリアでは、食べ物を使ったパフォーマンスなどが並行して行われているようです。


Great mold, by Ryohei Yoshiyuki.  We would love to have one for our Flavor Palette events….


Great for the next music theme party, or I can be a little kitchen drummer girl.

MIX STIX, Designed by Ignacio Pilotto, Jason Amendolara, Fred Studio

Dish washing is boring. This doesn’t help but it’s cute. Design by Chris Koen.

Available for $25 from

April is ending, and I realized that I haven’t sent a birthday card/email to any of my April born friends… so sorry to belated, but wish you a wonderful birthday!!
This Happy Birthday cake pan from SUCK UK is the newest find for my silicone-kitchen-products obsession. Looking good!

Since I grew up with Miffy book, I always love Dutch designs….
FlyFlap by
Ramón Middelkoop. “No more escape for all these little flying bugs. Now, the one with the biggest wing will win. It’s the law of the jungle”.

Rfive Design

Flavor Palette

